Although her favourite time to share a snuggle is first thing in the morning (when she is invited up into the bed), she will sometimes even pause on a walk to see if you are interested in delivering a little smooch on her noggin! Kiss quota met, and she’ll happily continue on her way. 

Although she gets the zoomies when you come home and will delight you with her excited antics, Winnie is a cool cucumber when left alone and handles up to six hours. She contents herself by making a little nest in the big human bed and settles in for a nice nap to conserve her energy for when there are adoring fans to tell her she is the best girl and give her a cuddle.

Outside of the home, Winnie is a bit of an introvert and prefers her personal space to be respected by other dogs. Occasionally she doesn’t mind a quick sniff and move on, but she’d be happiest in a home where she can just do her own thing out in the world without needing to socialise with strange dogs – especially those weird big fluffy ones (she can be a bit breedist, and isn’t really sure what all that fur is about, but she knows she doesn’t like it). 

Winnie might be three years old, but she is truly a nanna at heart. Once her evening walk is finished and dinner is served, she will take herself off to bed. She’s not much fussed if her foster carer has evening plans. Nothing comes in the way of her beauty sleep! 

Preferring the quiet life to the hustle and bustle of the city, Winnie would love a home with a yard in a cul-de-sac or a peaceful street, and she will thrive in a household that prefers weekends cuddled up on the couch and movie nights together as opposed to hosting friends and taking her to the pub. 

No cats or small dogs

No full time workers unless some working from home or there is another dog

No children under six

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4 years



Microchip number

956 000 007 837 577

Source number
